Kings Pond Shantymen
Kings Pond Shantymen


Our first appearance at Lightwater fete, 11 May 2024

Credit for these smashing images goes to master photographer Bernie of Wizz Photos

Such an ugly bunch I niver seen afore - excepting that nice looking one in shorts

Beautiful sunny weather all day

Matthew St was bosun for the day

Focus on Steve

Focus on Giles

Focus on Nigel

Focus on Matthew Sh

Three twats in hats

On the wagon!

Those horses have lovely faces ... unlike the salty dogs in the background

Shore-leave at the shantymen's garden party, 23 July 2023

Good ale, good company in Farnham

A Shanty Concert in Petersfield Museum, 30 June 2023

A good night, enhanced by the setting in an old Police station

Entertaining Naval Medics at a Dinner, 22 June 2023

Great to be on Board HMS Warrior again

Chawton House Wassail, 14 January 2023

Welcoming the return of the sun

Liss Beer and Music Festival, 4 September 2022

At The Triangle in Liss - it was a great day

Wedding event at Ashdown Park, 10 August 2022

Singing from the chapel organ loft

Weston Supermare Sea Shanty Festival, 6 August 2022

Farnham Fringe Festival 11 July 2022

At The Sandrock pub

Wassailing on 15 January 2022

At Chawton House

In the Orchard, with cider soaked toast in the apple tree

Mourning the Death of the Tot on 31 July 2021

At the Royal Naval Association, Aldershot

Wassailing at Chawton House, Hampshire on 18 January 2020

Almost the full line-up was present in these fine surroundings.

In the kitchen preparing to frighten the evil spirits away.

Singing to the oldest apple tree in the orchard.

Offering cider and 'toast' to the tree to ensure a fine crop of cider apples.

Trafalgar Day on Board HMS Victory,
Historic Dockyard, Portsmouth, 21 October 2019

We were singing on the upper gun deck to greet the diners.

Before the festivities - Huzzah's around the wheel.

Charting our course in Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson's cabin.

It was very atmospheric in the gloom of the lower deck.

Filming for BBC Escape to the Country,
Historic Dockyard, Portsmouth, 21 August 2018
We were on board the magnificent HMS Warrior
Recording on deck
Singing out for fun on the gun deck
At the capstan bars
Hoping for a tot of rum
The Queen God Bless Her! .... Behold the Holy Ghost!

Helping launch 100x30 second Shakespeare verses streaming/CD, Alley Cats Club, Denmark Street, London, 4 August 2016: see Recordings

Matthew clarifying the lyrics for the benefit of the audience!

Helping BMT Nigel Gee celebrate 30 years of engineering excellence, Southampton, June 2016

With lovely Alice!

At The Centre for Reflection, Aston Tirrold, Oxfordshire, May 2016

On Hayling Island to sing at a wedding reception, 11 July 2015

  with 2 men too few

To the Isle of Wight on Mara, 1 September 2014

Pirate party July 2014

  Cap'n John with his favourite squeeze

Recording Take a Turn Around The Capstan, 2014

Shantymen in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Alton Maltings, June 2013

Roger, Nick, Don and Mike - preparing to tread the boards - they should have made 'em walk the plank!

RNLI Concert, Alton Maltings, March 2013

  with all men present

Alton Beer Festival, February 2013

Wedding Singers! St, Andrew's Church, Farnham, September 2012

Conford Village Hall 28 April 2012 - RNLI Benefit

Civic visit to Pertuis, France, December 2011

  First priority on arrival

' allo, 'allo - extending the hand of friendship

  a proper posh event

Shanty Sailing Trip, June 2011

The wind set fair

John, Don and Simon

Nick at the helm

A common sight - Roger with an empty plate in front of him

Public Gardens, Alton, 8 May 2011

  some opine this is the best photo of us you could get

Farnham Maltings Festival, 15 May 2011 - Pictured in Farnham Herald

  Nick, John, Roger and Don

RNLI Concert - 26 March 2011

We were proud to receive this certificate from the RNLI

  Bordon Herald 15 April 2011

Celebrating Alton - 12 November 2010, with all hands present

Headley Fete - September 2010

    Photo Credit: Katie Hill

   We made the front page!

The Lazy Bishop Festival, Farnham - May 2010

    Photo Credit: Katie Hill

Farnham Castle - 2009

The Golden Pot - 2006